
Reverend John and Arizona’s Businesses Have Joined to Help Foster Kids and Help Raise Awareness to End Child Sex Trafficking and Organ Harvesting.

Awareness Enriches Our Existence, Guiding Us Toward Purpose

Rev. John

There has been a noticeable lack of attention directed towards the children within our foster care system and their families. The general public often relies on governmental support and feels powerless in the face of its shortcomings. Foster Kids Need Organization was established with the core belief that children are essential assets for both the present and the future. Love is seen as the ultimate solution, and it manifests itself in various forms, with expressions of care being of utmost importance.

In the US, more than 550,000 children are known to authorities to be abused.

An estimated 558,899 children (unique incidents) were victims of abuse and neglect in 2022. That’s 8 children out of every thousand. 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 13 boys in the U.S. are estimated to experience child abuse. Source: National Children’s Alliance

The AZ Child Abuse Hotline received 21,841 calls over a six-month period.

Arizona’s abuse/neglect mortality rate increased 36% from in 2020 to in 2021. Of the 128 children who died in 2021 from abuse/neglect, substance use was a contributing factor in 59% of the deaths, and the child’s families had prior involvement with a CPS agency in 46% of the deaths. Source: Arizona Public Health Association

In 2021, over 44,000 reports of child abuse and neglect taken by AZ DCS.

According to research, children with special needs are more than seven times more likely to suffer physical abuse and neglect. If you need to report child abuse or neglect, you can call the Arizona Child Abuse Hotline at 888-SOS-CHILD (1-888-767-2445) Source: Arizona Department of Child Safety.

In the U.S., approximately 800,000 children under 18 are reported missing annually.

About 2,185 children are reported missing each day. An estimated 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 10 boys will be sexually victimized before age 18. Yet only 1 in 3 will tell anyone. Source: Child Watch of North America

Beginning 2024, there are over 1,100 children that were reported missing in Arizona.

Recently, the U.S. Marshals Service recovered 33 missing children and safely located an additional 16 children in Arizona. This was part of an operation that took place between May 20 and June 24, 2024. Source: AZ Department of Public Safety,

As of March 2024, approximately 10,000 children and youth were in Arizona’s Foster Care.

Arizona has approximately 3,000 licensed foster families. Children remain in state care nearly two years experiencing approximately three placements. Source: AZ Department of Child Safety

Approximately 24.9 million people are trapped in slavery or sex trafficking across the world.

Of these, 4.8 million are victims of sex trafficking and over 21% of this number are children. That’s over 1 million children being trafficked for sex, world-wide, as you read this. Source: phspat.org/about

There were 403 reported human trafficking cases in Arizona in 2020.

This includes both sex trafficking and labor trafficking victims. Although cases filed in 2021 is underrepresented, overall, the stats represent that 57% of victims in new human trafficking cases were minors and 43% were adults.

Every year, approximately 12,000 illegal organs are transplanted, generating 1.5 billion dollars.

Child trafficking generally accounts for nearly 30% of all people trafficked. Although specific child organ trafficking statistics are lacking, it is rumored a child’s heart can cost up to $250k on the black market. Source: phspat.org/about